BreakPoint Academy

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A Message From Ollie

Hello and welcome to BreakPoint Academy!

My journey through life, filled with diverse experiences and personal challenges, inspired the creation of BreakPoint Academy. It has been a long path, with significant highs and profound lows. Each step has reinforced my belief that we all have untapped potential waiting to be discovered.

BreakPoint Academy is a testament to this, born from my passion to empower people to take charge of their personal growth and mental wellbeing. We’ve created an engaging and intuitive platform that focuses on ‘mental wealth’, providing tools for goal setting, habit tracking, and a range of on-demand content stemming from me. The more we invest, the better the return on investment.

For employers, BreakPoint Academy offers a powerful tool to connect with your teams. You gain invaluable insight into your employee engagement, mindset and mood from the incredible data collection tool, enabling you to provide timely support, foster a nurturing environment, and build a resilient, productive workforce.

I’m excited to welcome you on this transformative journey with BreakPoint Academy. Together, we can revolutionise how we think about and approach mental health, in the workplace and beyond.

Take the first step towards discovering true potential. 


Most people go through life not understanding who they are and neglecting to work on the most important project there is – themselves.

Established by Special Forces veteran, Ollie Ollerton, BreakPoint Academy is your key to unlocking potential in your organisation.

Using carefully curated, elite, mindset targeted expertise, BreakPoint Academy rewires your team’s belief in what is possible.

Invest In Your People

Every individual and organisation have the capacity for greatness; our mission is to help you realise and capitalise on that potential.

BreakPoint Academy empowers your employees with the right tools to grow. Both personally and professionally.

Our programs focus on mental wealth, goal and habit tracking, and on-demand content from Ollie himself.

We have curated a seamless learning journey that encourages employees to set and track personal goals, log their daily mood, and engage with relevant content which employers can track.

Maximise Business Performance

For employers, BreakPoint Academy is more than a training platform. We offer real-time data on employee engagement, helping you identify opportunities for intervention and support. By fostering a supportive environment, BreakPoint Academy revolutionises the workplace, creating a culture that promotes mental health whilst optimising performance, from the convenience of your phone, or from the web.

Stay Connected Anywhere, Anytime

The BreakPoint Academy App provides a highly engaging learning environment, available on any device. It allows for easy onboarding, customisable content feeds, and goal-setting features. Regardless of where your employees are, they can access on-demand content and benefit from Ollie’s experience, knowledge, insights and teachings.

Ollie Ollerton, Founder of BreakPoint and International speaker
Ollie Ollerton, Founder of BreakPoint and International speaker at the speaking event, Hamilton Barnes.

The BreakPoint Advantage

By choosing BreakPoint Academy, you’re investing in a happier, healthier and more productive workforce. Give your team the edge they need. Help them build resilience, enhance their skills, and encourage a positive mindset that will permeate your entire organisation. Join us and be part of the revolution in workplace mental health and employee development.

"On behalf of all the management team, advisers, lenders, and providers we just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for coming along to our conference, sharing your story, and inspiring us all to have courage.  It was great to listen to everything you have done from the highs and lows to how you reset you mind to positive thinking.  We all loved it and we have had loads of great feedback."

- Mortgage Advice Bureau

"I was blown away by how many pieces of advice Ollie had to share, so I would say we could have definitely had a longer session with him. I know we requested an hour, but for future clients you may want to encourage them to consider a 1.5 hour session, because he has so much valuable content to cover."

- Procter & Gamble

"It was fantastic!!!!

We’ve had some amazing feedback from across the company. Ollie hit the right note of balancing interesting anecdotes with practical hints. The WhatsApp groups were pinging with compliments and thanks for the event."

- Healthcare 21 Group

"Yesterday’s event went down a storm and everyone was so engaged with Ollie and his talk. It’s a fascinating journey and resonated really positively with everyone in the room, please pass on our thanks to Ollie for attending."

- Hamilton Barnes

"The event was a huge success, Ollie was great, his story was inspirational and his passion for helping others just shone through, so please send our heartfelt thanks to Ollie and I hope he enjoyed it as much as we all did."

- Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce


Aston Martin Orange logo who is working with BreakPoint.
Manchester Metropolitan University orange logo who is working with BreakPoint
Shell orange logo who is working with BreakPoint
SKANSKA orange logo who is working with BreakPoint
Vodafone orange logo who is working with BreakPoint

Enquire today

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Change is daily. Embrace it with the BreakPoint Academy. Let’s make this journey count.