How Ollie Ollerton’s BreakPoint is Redefining HR Initiatives 

Aug 10, 2023Speaking

In the shifting landscape of today’s corporate world, the role of HR is continually evolving. Human Resources, once thought of as ‘hiring and firing now plays a central role in shaping a business’s culture, productivity, and employee well-being.  

As companies recognise the importance of employee well-being on both a personal and professional level, it becomes apparent that innovative approaches to HR are not just welcome – they’re essential. 

Enter Ollie Ollerton and BreakPoint. But what is it about BreakPoint that has the HR world sitting up and taking notice? Read on to find out… 


A Journey from ‘SAS: Who Dares Wins’ to Corporate Empowerment 

When you hear the name Ollie Ollerton, flashes of gruelling SAS training exercises and tough-love leadership might come to mind. But the resilience and adaptability that Ollie demonstrated on ‘SAS: Who Dares Wins’ is only a glimpse of what he brings to the corporate table. With BreakPoint, Ollie has crafted a platform that uses his vast experience to redefine how HR initiatives tackle the complexities of employee well-being and performance. 

BreakPoint’s Approach: Employee Wellness at Its Core 

Employee wellness is no longer just an HR buzzword; it’s a vital component of organisational health. When staff are happy and motivated, your business benefits. We’re talking fewer sick days, increased productivity, and low staff turnover. 

BreakPoint, under Ollie’s guidance, infuses wellness into the very DNA of a company. It’s not about short-term fixes or ticking boxes. BreakPoint works on the principle of lasting transformation. Pushing individuals to break through their self-imposed limitations, to emerge stronger, more resilient, and infinitely more productive. 

The HR Revolution: Data-Driven Decisions 

In today’s world, decisions backed by data are decisions made right. One of BreakPoint’s ground-breaking initiatives is ‘Intelligence Gathering‘. Through this, employees embark on a seamless learning journey, setting personal goals, logging their daily mood, and engaging with relevant content. For HR, this is a goldmine. It offers insights into the challenges, moods, and aspirations of the workforce. By having this data at hand, HR initiatives can be precisely tailored to address specific challenges and areas of need. 


Continuous Engagement: It’s More than Just a One-Off Session 

What truly sets BreakPoint apart in the realm of HR initiatives is its commitment to continuous engagement. HR doesn’t function in a vacuum, and neither does BreakPoint. It’s not just about an isolated session or workshop; it’s about building a long-lasting relationship with the company. The aim? To ensure the principles of resilience, adaptability, and well-being are constantly nurtured and reinforced. 

A Holistic Approach to HR  

With the fusion of Ollie’s experience and BreakPoint’s innovative strategies, HR departments are now equipped to approach employee wellness holistically. It’s not just about addressing issues after they arise but proactively cultivating an environment where employees feel valued, understood, and empowered to be their best selves. 

BreakPoint, led by Ollie Ollerton, is a game-changer in the corporate landscape. HR teams have found a new ally, one that champions the cause of employee well-being, productivity, and growth.  

Dive into the world of BreakPoint and witness the change Ollie Ollerton’s vision can usher into your business.